3 min read

How Your Brand can Generate $50-200k monthly with Partner Rewards

partner rewards, cash back partners, brands and enterprise
cash back, top brand's partner rewards

Why Cashback Partners Would Benefit Your Brand

Launch Cashback Program Under 2 Weeks:

  • No Integration Cost to App, Website with Kalder.

No Cost + Direct Net New Revenue:

  • Start Earning $250k monthly revenue from 50k cashback users.

Engage and Reward Fan Daily:

  • Fans Earn Club Rewards with Daily Purchases.

Increase Club Total Sales by 3.6x:

  • Fans spend 3.6x more after Cashback Rewards.

Collect First Party + Upsell Sponsors:

  • Collect Purchase & Behavioral Fan Data.

How Cashback Partner Programs Work

Cashback programs offer a win-win scenario by rewarding customers with a percentage of their spending while helping businesses drive sales and manage customer relationships effectively.

When customers make purchases at partner locations, they earn a portion of their money back, which incentivizes repeat business and brand loyalty.

partner rewards, co-branded cards

Launch Automated Cashback program in less than 2 weeks with Kalder

Cashback programs offer a win-win scenario by rewarding customers a percentage of their spending while helping businesses drive sales and manage customer relationships effectively.

Kalder handles all backend operations, ensuring a streamlined and hassle-free management experience for your brand partners, with setup typically completed in under 2 weeks.

Invite partners to join your card's cashback program and earn 5-10% revenue share from every sale made with your card.

Cashback: Customer Flow

linking debit cards to wallet, partner stores

Link Existing Card to Membership

How It Works:

  • Members can link their existing credit or debit cards to their Kalder membership.
  • Kalder will automatically track card usage at partner locations to earn cashback or points upon purchase.
  • Earn 5-10% cashback when spent at partner locations.
  • No stacking: If the card is linked to multiple memberships with overlapping partners, the user can choose which brand to receive points for. The chosen brand will receive the cashback.
    • Notification: “You have 2 partner memberships at this location. Which one would you like your points added to?”

Cashback: Brand Admin Flow

cash back for sports fans

How It Works On Your Side:

  • Merchant Applies to be a Cashback Partner Via Kalder Application Portal.
  • Club reviews and accepts partner requests.
  • Cashback offer becomes live for Fans.
    • Collaborate with partner rewards to maximize cash revenue.

Find Out How Much Money Your Brand Can Make with Cashback

revenue from cash back partners
Assuming members linked debit/credit card and spend an average of $100 across cashback partners

Merchant Application Flow:

  1. Application Submission:
Action: Application results in the creation of merchant ID: 389191.
  1. Terms Acceptance:
    • Adidas accepts the terms and conditions, allowing Kalder to read transaction data.
Action: Adidas consents to data readability.
  1. Whitelisting:
    • Kalder sends the merchant ID (389191) to Mastercard APIs.
Action: Mastercard whitelists the merchant ID to allow transaction data reading when linked cards are used.
  1. Campaign Launch:
    • Example: A new campaign offering 5% cashback at Adidas for Real Madrid loyalty members is launched.
Action: Campaign details are communicated to Real Madrid loyalty members.
  1. Transaction:
    • Customer Action: Gokce swipes her linked Kalder card and spends $100 at Adidas.
  2. Reward Notification:
    • Kalder System Action: Gokce receives a notification stating, “Congrats! You earned 5 RM dollars.”
Action: Kalder charges Adidas $5 plus a 10% processing fee.
  1. Revenue Allocation:
    • Financial Transaction: RM receives $5 as revenue.
Action: 5 RM dollars are deposited into Gokce’s account.

This flow ensures that all steps are covered from application to reward allocation to revenue sharing.

Don’t miss this new revenue stream opportunity to boost sales and reduce acquisition costs effectively.

Get Started with Cashback Partners today!

At Kalder, we are working on the above offerings and can help you get a seamless start to co-branded cards. Email us at [email protected] to book a demo today.